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Leather care



All products made from natural leathers, will age with time. It will need moisturising and caring for if they’re to be kept in tip-top condition throughout the years. Even with excellent care, they will still age; there’s no avoiding this; however an aged leather product looks even more beautiful. The ageing process adds character to a product and gives it a life-story of it’s very own, every mark, scratch and crack tells a tale.

All leather looses moisture and oils over time and with handling. As a hide dries out it’s more likely that the fibres that make up the surface of the skin will break rather than stretch. Every animal hide is unique and some will have less natural oils than others. The more we handle a product made from leather the quicker it will lose it’s natural flexibility due to it’s oils and moisture being transferred to our hands, etc.

To keep it in tip top condition we need to ensure the leather fibres stay supple and to accomplish this they will require natural oils or regular moisturising. It’s always best to regularly use a leather care product to replace those oils and keep the leather supple. 



Scratches cannot be prevented, so if you don’t like the antique effect that scratches will give to your leather fabric then it’s advised that you keep it away from sharp or metallic objects and generally give it careful consideration when handling and placing it down on the ground, etc.

Another way to protect leather is to apply a boot polish, Vaseline or saddle soap. This will coat the leather with a protective finish that will make it more durable. Please note that applying ANY form of polish, even a clear or natural colour, will almost always change the colour of your leather. So test a small area of leather first.

Endeavour to apply polish at least every couple of weeks, if not more often as you would with a fine pair of leather shoes. We believe that using a traditional polish in combination with our premium leathers will develop one of the finest patinas over time.



If there’s small dirt marks on the finished side of the leather then usually you can wipe it with a dry cloth which would not transfer any more dust unto the product.

The key to removing dirt and other such marks is not to use too much pressure, its much better to lightly rub a mark 100 times with low pressure than 10 times with a lot of pressure. The high pressure is likely to remove the finish and damage the leather and in rare cases it may even stain the leather further, making it beyond repair.

Leather should not be allowed to get wet but if they do, they should be wiped with a dry cloth and allowed to dry naturally.

Never force-dry the leather by using heat. Do not place on radiators or use hair dryers, simply leave it in a place that is normal room temperature until it dries naturally.

Keep leather away during hot temperatures, especially extreme heat. Heat exposure can cause the pigmented finish to bubble and to peel away. The leather colour may fade due to prolonged exposure to heat/ direct sunlight.

Freezing temperatures can really damage leather and the natural structure of it’s fibres, that give it strength, and make them brittle. Cold temperatures can also cause the pigmented coating to crack excessively, so if you don’t like that effect then it’s prudent not to let it get too cold.



Keep your leather products stored in places that are dry and clean when you are not using them, ideally in the specially designed dust bag that came with the product to help protect it. Keep them away from moisture as they can develop mould or the fittings may develop rust. Do not use plastic bags to store your leather articles as it may lock in moisture. Ensure that the moisture guard is in the pack if you are storing leather away in humid conditions.




If you’re applying a care product that contains a moisturiser or oil then pay particular attention to the reverse sides of the leather and the edges where the pigmented finish isn’t applied as the leather will be more absorbent there and the leather will get lots of nourishment and protection from treatment in those areas and remain more supple.

If your applying a water proofing product then it’s strongly recommended that you first apply a care product to help lock in moisture and to keep the fibres of the skin supple before making it waterproof. Only apply the waterproof to areas that will be exposed to moisture. This will result in you still being able to treat the inner of the bag with care products so it can remain supple and wont crease, crack or peel, due to drying out.




Once tanned most of the  marks become almost unnoticeable but never completely disappear. They generally do not affect whether a hide is suitable or not. In fact scarring can actually make a hide even stronger, just not what most people would consider beautiful.

Natural leather marks cannot be treated in any way to make them appear less visible, they are part of the natural process, having individual variations in grain, texture, feel and look. If a particular product has uniform grains all over the product, then the leather has been treated in a manner for it to have a uniform texture all over.



Hair on leather requires special attention. Without care it can become brittle, prone to tearing and may lose it’s shine. It need regular hydration brushing and cleaning so that no dust is accumulated on the skin.